While the 7 wonders of the ancient world have all disappeared except the pyramid of Kéhops, it was time to designate the 7 new wonders of the world.
This has been done since 2007 thanks to the great global vote organized by the New7wonders Fundation.
Without further ado here is the list of wonders. For the curious, we tell you more about this election at the end of the article …

Defensive wall in the north of China of 20000 km long, seven meters high on average, built between the 3rd and the 17th century. It crosses extremely varied landscapes, green mountains around Beijing, desert corridors at the crossing of Jiayu … The most touristic part of the wall receives up to 70000 visitors per day in high season. In fact, astronauts do not see it with the naked eye from the porthole of their space station. It’s a myth, yes! The wall is not perfectly continuous either, but formed of several sections.

Petra is a major archaeological site. There was a city created during antiquity in the 8th century BC. BC later occupied by the Nabataeans around the 6th century. It was abandoned and fell into oblivion and was rediscovered by a Swiss explorer in 1812.
What makes the exceptional value of Petra are, first of all, the monumental façades directly carved into the rock whose architecture reflects a mixture of Eastern and Greek influences, but also its incredible access by a magnificent canyon along 1.5 km and only two meters wide at the narrowest point and of course its historical interest.

The Christ the Redeemer is a statue located at the top of Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and erected in 1931. It is thirty meters high, making it one of the largest statues in the world. Like the statue of liberty, it was made (in part) by a French sculptor.
Already impressive in its beauty, its size and location overlooking the city, it is even more so on average six times a year when struck by lightning.
The great coliseum of Rome
The Colosseum of Rome was built between 70 and 80 AD. AD by more than 60000 Jewish slaves. It is the largest amphitheater built by the Roman Empire.
It was a place of spectacle where fights of animals, gladiators, reconstructions of famous battles, mythological dramas or public executions took place. It could accommodate 50000 spectators. More than 500,000 people would have died there and more than a million animals.
It has ceased to be used as a show venue from the Middle Ages. Today, it is in ruins especially because of earthquakes, but it continues to give an idea of the power that had the Roman Empire at its peak.
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is a mountain on which are the ruins of an ancient Inca town at 2438 meters above sea level. It is located a hundred kilometers from Cuzco.
What makes Machu Picchu worthy of its place in the seven new wonders of the world is the beauty of the place and its mystery. The landscape that surrounds it often foggy, we know little about the ruins, the nearest village is accessible only by an old train or walk following the rails from a power station.
The Mayan site of Chichen Itza in Mexico
Chichen Itza is an ancient Mayan city located in the Yucatan in Mexico. It was the capital of the whole region. The city dates back to at least the 8th century. It was in decline, but still inhabited at the time of the Spanish conquest in the 16th century.
There are, in particular, the biggest ball playground, several very special water holes (cenotes) and the perfectly restored “El Castillo” pyramid on which light projections are organized at night.
The Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal is a white marble funerary monument built by the Mughal Emperor Shâh Jahân in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is located in the city of Agra not far from Delhi. Its construction involved over 20,000 people and was completed in 1648. It combines Islamic, Iranian, Ottoman and Indian architectural influences.